Monday, September 30, 2013

September Favorites

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I'm convinced that my unabashed appreciation of Bay Area wildness is based on my direct experience of such highly touted places as Alaska, Hawaii, the Galapagos Islands, the polar regions, and Tibet. Only after having photographed all seven continents and both poles do I know with certitude how favorably my home wildlands compare.
--Galen Rowell, Inner Game of Outdoor Photography

Jimson Weed


Bobcat Surprise

Insect Galls on Wild Rose

Jimson Weed Trumpet

Monarch & Milkweed

First Light

Coast Look-Out

Sargent Cypress

Spider Feast

Wind-Brushed Grass

Mossy Bay Laurel

Canyon Live Oak

California Fuchsia

Variegated Meadowhawk

Rifle Camp Meadow

Big-Leaf Maple

Pileated Woodpecker

Mating Dragonflies

Pacific Treefrog

Fall Colors at September's End

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