Sunday, March 22, 2020

Death Valley

Death Valley.

March 2005.

A good year.

For desert sunflower.

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Saturday, March 21, 2020

Far Away

These scenes of Mono Lake, warm and cool, are far away in space as well as time. Theoretically I could get in my car and be there well before today's sunset, but I'll settle for looking at the pictures and imagine I'm there already.

My recollection of the visit when I made these pictures on a presumably chilly morning in March, thirty-two years ago, is pretty hazy, if it even qualifies for that much distinction. Yet I've been there enough times over the years that my imagination feels very present on the tufa-strewn shore.

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Friday, March 20, 2020

Sleeping in Dew

Sleeping Bee in Dew, Pt. Reyes

I'm just going through some shots I haven't posted here before, photos taken in the month of March in past years, like this bee and caterpillar who seem to have been caught by cold temperatures that forced them to sit tight through the night.

Dewy Caterpillar, Pt. Reyes

Having to sit tight has suddenly become something we can all relate to. And maybe we can all just take it in stride like a humble honeybee or wooly bear caterpillar, and carry on when the sun warms us back to life.

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Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March Bobcat

Hard to believe this encounter happened in Tennessee Valley nine years ago. It was such a singular event, it seems like yesterday.





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Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Manzanita Munchers

Besides the several hundred empty frames fired off by insects or flitting birds at this trap over the last couple of weeks, the only thing I noticed that hadn't shown up in the last batch was the deer browsing manzanita. Maybe new leaves are coming out that are just tender enough to be palatable. The manzanita have also come into bloom, which might explain the sudden and major increase of empty frames set off by flying insects, of which only the butterflies were big enough to notice.

Young buck about to nosh on manzanita.

Bewick's Wren

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Enjoying the cloud views from our apartment yesterday. A few people out on Twin Peaks, and a lone jet taking people where they need to go.

A little later....

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