Sunday, November 1, 2020

Yosemite is Open

Yosemite Valley
November 1, 2013


Now that the park has lifted entry restrictions it feels tempting to head on up for a couple of days. Judging by the park's webcams it doesn't appear that fall color is as advanced yet as these images show from this date several years ago.

Another difference is that the air quality is probably not as good. I was a little disheartened this morning to see that Bay Area air quality has deteriorated a bit even since yesterday's disappointingly high numbers.

This seems more like a year of wistful memories of clean air and beautiful landscapes.

The month is young, though, and things might be looking a lot better before November fades.

Might as well be optimistic.

These two webcam screenshots were taken at about the same time this morning. Not sure why El Capitan looks so funky while Half Dome looks fine.

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