Putting on the Ritz at Bay Natives Nursery Near Heron's Head Park |
There wasn't a whole lot of wild-bird activity at Heron's Head Park this morning. Across the street, however, the colorful chickens at Bay Natives Nursery were a-crowin', a-cluckin', and a-struttin'. Next door, the goats (the greatest goats of all time) were butting heads and shuffling their hooves, dreaming of having room to roam.
I made my way from there along the coast to the Fort Mason Community Garden where to my surprise I actually got to photograph the Bullock's Oriole that had been sighted there recently. The oriole was mostly interested in pulling at some string, as if it were trying to gather nesting material. Isn't it too early for that?!
Not much happening at Crissy Lagoon, so I continued to Fort Point to get the obligatory selfie with the Golden Gate Bridge, and to watch the surfers. It was a beautiful day to be out around the city.
The sun briefly broke out a time or two today, but I was glad to have worn the cold-weather bike jacket. |
Chicken-on-the-Prowl |
All Dressed up |
Arster Shells |
Awaiting Gentrification |
Fierce Female |
She couldn't quite get the string to let go. |
Bullock's Oriole |
About to Take Off |
This hummingbird would fan his head feathers forward and back as he perched on the branch and looked left and right, then occasionally fan out his throat feathers to belt out a mad line of chirping. |
I wondered if these parrots over at Fort Mason are ever the same ones that fly around Golden Gate Heights. Do they tend to stick to their own neighborhoods, or are they more cosmopolitan? |
Surfing at Fort Point |
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