It's been a long time since we actually went for a hike on the mountain. Circumstances have intervened, as they say.
California Quail
Hound's Tongue
The only calypso orchid we saw all day, along the Matt Davis Trail.
Bolinas Ridge
View Toward the Town of Bolinas
The coyote was interested in something here, some noise in the grass, but as the trail brought us closer and closer to him, he figured whatever it was, wasn't worth letting a couple of humans get too close.
The coyote walked at his leisure up along the forest edge, then stopped here...
...for a little scritch-n-scratch.
Fetid Adder's Tongue
While I was taking my pictures, another nearby photographer had his camera on a tripod. I'd never seen anyone else photograph these interesting plants at that spot before.
Cataract Creek had been scoured by heavy flows in a few spots, but these horsetails were coming up right in the middle of the creek.
As we finished the hike, I made a little detour to pick up my trail cams, and in the process discovered a small pool with a few egg masses laid by chorus frogs (which can be heard in the background in some of the video clips below).
I didn't see this frog while it was on land, but he cleverly jumped into the pool to get away from me. Now I could see him with ease. He's lucky I wasn't a raven or something.
The gray fox appeared almost as often as the deer.
Buck With One Antler
Nicely Camouflaged Bobcat
Scent-marking Bobcat
Flying Deer
About a month's worth of video clips from the Tam Cams distilled to just over two minutes.