Cooper's Hawk on Weathered Power Pole, Forest Hill |
It's pretty rare that I spot a perched cooper's hawk around the city. I'll see them in the air from time to time, but that's about it. Back in July 2011 I was spoiled by an encounter with young cooper's hawks in the S.F. Botanical Gardens (back when it was called Strybing Arboretum). All these years later, I still think about those hawks and hope to get another opportunity like that.
The band-tailed pigeon nest is still there, but I couldn't tell if there are any chicks yet. It's possible the pigeon is keeping them warm under its body. It's surprising to see how insubstantial the nest is. |
As part of a construction project in someone's yard, this cross-section of soil revealed an interesting display of subterranean tree roots. |
This is the cooper's hawk as viewed through some magnolia blossoms. |
Yellow Daffodil With Blue House, Golden Gate Heights |
Ravens & Sutro Tower |
I immediately stopped my bike as the red-tailed hawk swooped down to pounce on something nearby, but it flew away just as I got my camera out. Luckily it actually flew closer to me by landing on this eucalyptus tree. |
Take-off. |
These are some of the cooper's hawk shots I got back in 2011 with a Nikon D300S. |

Here's a screen grab from the Big Bear Eagle Cam, with two chicks having hatched.
When I checked the cam just now I noticed all the snow has melted from the nest. |
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