Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Cooper's Hawk

Cooper's Hawk on Weathered Power Pole, Forest Hill

 It's pretty rare that I spot a perched cooper's hawk around the city. I'll see them in the air from time to time, but that's about it. Back in July 2011 I was spoiled by an encounter with young cooper's hawks in the S.F. Botanical Gardens (back when it was called Strybing Arboretum). All these years later, I still think about those hawks and hope to get another opportunity like that.

The band-tailed pigeon nest is still there, but I couldn't tell if there are any chicks yet. It's possible the pigeon is keeping them warm under its body. It's surprising to see how insubstantial the nest is.

As part of a construction project in someone's yard, this cross-section of soil revealed an interesting display of subterranean tree roots.

This is the cooper's hawk as viewed through some magnolia blossoms.

Yellow Daffodil With Blue House, Golden Gate Heights

Ravens & Sutro Tower

I immediately stopped my bike as the red-tailed hawk swooped down to pounce on something nearby, but it flew away just as I got my camera out. Luckily it actually flew closer to me by landing on this eucalyptus tree.


These are some of the cooper's hawk shots I got back in 2011 with a Nikon D300S.

Here's a screen grab from the Big Bear Eagle Cam, with two chicks having hatched.

When I checked the cam just now I noticed all the snow has melted from the nest.

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