Tree Swallow Sounding Off Inside The Bison Paddock |
The tree swallows have been back at the Bison Paddock for a while now, but today they were really going crazy, perhaps juiced up on the warm, sunny weather. Whether there are just more of them, or they are getting closer to nesting, I don't know, but the activity level was way up from yesterday.
I'd like to thank whoever thought of putting the nest boxes close to the fence, where people can easily view the birds. The nest entrances are all facing south, which is great if you're on the south side of the paddock. However, I tend to skirt along the north side (which is actually sunnier in the morning this time of year due to shade cast on the southern edge), so the action right at the nest holes (and there was lots of it) was out of my view.
Western bluebirds could often be seen perching on top of the nest boxes, but I couldn't tell if they were interested in using them for anything but a perch.
I was glad to see the band-tailed pigeon nesting site in Forest Hill was still occupied this morning. I hope to see hatchlings the next time I pass by. The view of the nest is opening up a bit, probably due to the comings and goings of the adults. |
Tree Swallow Preparing for Flight |
"Sunny" Allen (as opposed to "Shady" Allen at Mallard Lake) was in his usual spot on a pokeweed plant. |
After nearly being knocked off his perch by a speeding tree swallow, Sunny Allen perched briefly on a fruiting branch. |
Tree Swallow Near Nest Box |
Who is that masked bird? |
Short Clip of Vocalizing Tree Swallow
A little bit of rainbow in the spindrift today.... |
Surf Scoter in the Clear |
Surf Scoter in the Suds |
You-know-who is still you-know-where.... |
At Metson Lake, the great blue heron seemed content to groom despite a nearby snowy egret, but only until the snowy nabbed a fish. That drew the ire of the much larger GBH, who stalked toward the snowy until it fluttered away to a more distant hunting perch. |
The snowy egret rested on the log for a moment before disappearing behind it to continue hunting for fish. Right about that time, several red-eared sliders emerged from the water to climb up on the log and sun themselves (but the light made it too harsh to photograph). |
After vanquishing the little snowy egret, the GBH returned to its grooming and preening. |
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