Monday, January 20, 2020

Airplane Mode

Every now and then, Mt. Tam presents an opportunity, with sun on one side and fog on the other, to photograph glories. When I saw the right conditions on a flight to Chicago last week I looked for the anti-solar point out the window and voila.

Dropping into O'Hare, the deciduous woodlands of winter reminded me of a landscape scarred by fire.

The blue pond on the plain in the back (about a third of the way down from the top edge) has a power plant on its shore. I often wish I could take a GPS reading at various points of interest along a flight path so I could find them on a map later on. 

The Great Plains meet the Rocky Mountains.

Snowy fields cut by a pair of large rivers.

Bay Area view toward Sutter Buttes.

San Mateo Bridge with incoming tide streamers.

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Friday, January 17, 2020

The Little Things

Family Get-together

Ordinarily I'd pull out my diffusing screen to block direct sunlight from striking the subject, but in this case I liked the way the morning light streamed in. I couldn't do a focus-stack (as I did with the first image above) because the sun would move during the time it takes to run the stack. So I stopped down to f/22 and shot a single frame before the sun's angle through the forest changed the scene.

I struck out in my search for mushrooms to bring home for the table. Nothing but a few small oyster mushrooms even tempted me, but I let them be. Even though the pickin's were slim, there at least were a few mushrooms finally cropping up here and there, enough to temp me to break out the Nikon. I felt like I couldn't just go home without taking some time out to set up a couple of macro shots. There's something very satisfying about getting down on the forest floor, in wet-knee country, and exploring the little things to be found.

Deer Mushrooms

Sulfur Tufts

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Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Phoning It In

I was thinking of the phrase "phoning it in" when I left my camera gear in the car to go check on the trail cameras, but I brought my smartphone just in case. "Phoning it in" means doing something with less care and effort that you might otherwise use. But I had an excuse other than laziness since I was planning to do some mushroom-hunting after checking on the trail cams. If I have my camera backpack on, I have nowhere to put any mushrooms I might find (for the table, that is). 

As luck would have it, I came across the scene above and kinda wished I'd had my Nikon with me. The trees and rocks were showing off their full winter jackets of moss, and a universe of water droplets on the leaves in the trees above was sparkling in the morning sunshine. It almost took my breath away when I walked up on the scene, whose layered depths are definitely lost in translation to 2D.

I found this foil balloon in some nearby branches. 

Too bad I couldn't find a better subject to include with the nice light striking the madrones.

The Mt. Tam folks are still busy chopping down Douglas fir trees along the edges of meadows. The oaks are left alone, but without a little judicious gardening, the firs would eventually crowd out the increasingly rare grasslands. There was a crew working out along Bolinas Ridge on Saturday, way north near the McKennan Trail but on the east-facing slope. It looks very different out there than when I last saw it, very much more open.

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Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Morning Mist

I started to leave the house without my camera gear since I was only thinking about checking up on the trail cams, but when I pulled out of the garage and saw there was still some weather coming through I went back up to get it. 

Although I stopped at the usual location at Sunset Point, I don't think I've ever photographed this scene before. I was drawn by the flat yet bright quality of the dispersed light on the misty landscape. It's usually much darker and duller if it's overcast, and if it's clear it's streaked by sunshine. My attention also wasn't particularly drawn to the usual view of the San Francisco skyline because there wasn't any -- view, that is. It was almost completely socked in. So I had a moment to contemplate other scenes. 

Eventually it did begin to clear. I began to notice the calls of acorn woodpeckers at this point and couldn't recall if they had only just started as the sun came out, or if I simply hadn't noticed them before.

But even as it cleared, you still couldn't really make out the city through the bright, hazy sunlight.

Meanwhile, from the same location, I was inspired by some recent impressionistic photos by Jackie Sones (on The Natural History of Bodega Head blog).

Even when the view to the east was still full of clouds, the sun did break through the cracks here and there, lighting up a clear blue sky to the west.

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Monday, January 13, 2020

Foxy Woods

It's pretty rare for the cams to record a gray fox while the day is still bright enough to capture a color image.

It's also rare that a fox will stop long enough for the cam to capture a clean, sharp image.

Although there was this one main game trail, the area was crisscrossed by several other smaller trails that were also used by both deer and fox. This fox is on the main trail now but will take a detour, only to cross it later, as shown in the next shot.

The main trail goes up to the left of the big Douglas fir, but the fox took a different route. The fox(es) were caught coming and going off the right side of the frame several times. Next time I go up I might move a cam or two to try to catch them in the detour.

This time the fox stays on the main trail until it passes the large Doug fir. Here it's 9:12 p.m.

And here, at 9:13 p.m., we have the same fox. You can even see that the video lights from Cam #2 (which remain on for a specified length of time) are still on in the background. 

Although I synchronized the cams to my wristwatch, they are synced to the minute, not the second; the video only records for 20 seconds.

This frame looks a lot like the next one, but I believe these are two different foxes. One passes at 6:40 p.m., and the next capture is at 6:46 p.m.

If these are a paired-up male and female, I might catch fox kits here in the future. And just because I want to share a couple more trail-cam shots that don't have a theme of their own, I bring you...

...the Mini-Buck...

...a Mini-Buck in pretty light...

...and a passing hobo!

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Sunday, January 12, 2020

Antlers Aweigh!

I put four cams out in the same general area in late December to get a sense of which trails the animals were using. I'm not talking about hiking trails, but game trails, although a pair of intrepid off-trail hikers did flash a peace sign at one of the cams. 

I was surprised by how frequently the trails were used by presumably the same few deer. The SD cards recorded so many frames I thought for sure there would be a lot of wind-blown branches, or birds or squirrels, but it was almost all deer, and also several gray fox, with a few varied thrush, gray squirrels, and a tree-climbing mouse thrown in.

The buck above passed through on the afternoon of Jan. 9 while there was a bit of water on the lens. (BTW, this is Cam #2 as shown by the 0002 in the lower right of the info band). 

And the very next day...

...he was down one antler! I'm pretty sure it's the same buck. He's even passing by within a half-hour of the previous day's time: 1:48 p.m. vs. 1:18 p.m. 

I read that a buck's antlers will drop when their post-rut testosterone levels drop. 

This wasn't the only buck who lost a new year's antler...

...except this guy lost the antler on the other side of his head.

Here's the same guy being caught by Cam. #3 a couple minutes later. I believe this is the same buck that was caught, with his antlers still intact, in the shot below.

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Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Winter Wonderland

Thanks, Mt. Tam

I think in the last ten years I have never seen this kind of red coloration in acorns before. I believe the heart-shaped chunks were munched by a deer. I wish I knew what was up with the red color. Is it oxidized tannin? My old 1992 edition of Oaks of California (pre-sudden oak death; it's not mentioned once in the whole book) says indigenous people would remove the reddish papery skin when preparing acorn meal, so I guess it isn't that unusual, although I don't believe I came across any such skin the one time I processed acorns myself. Anyway, I was also interested to see that some of the acorns were beginning to sprout while they were still attached to the tree.

Acorn, Coast Live Oak (Quercus agrifolia)

Passing Cloud

Madrone Berry & White Feather

Half-Eaten Madrone Berry 

(I could hear a flock of band-tailed pigeons rustling around in the overstory). 

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Thank-you Mt. Tamalpais for a great decade of exploration, inspiration, and refuge.

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Soak Up The Sun

I was about to drive home when I spotted a clump of grass down the way that I was pretty sure hadn't been there before. It's nearly 2020 and my eyesight is 20/Crappy, so I spied the clump through 10X binoculars and resolved it into a Blacktailed Jackrabbit (Lepus californicus). Here the hare is soaking up the warm rays of a late-morning's winter sunshine along Bolinas Ridge. 

That's quite a tear in your fabulous listening appendage, my friend. I guess I'll wish you a Happy New Ear!

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Monday, December 30, 2019

Still Lifes With Christmasberry

Oak Leaf, Acorn Shell & Christmasberry

Shelf Fungus with Christmasberries, Lichen & Moss

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Sunday, December 29, 2019

Oyster Gills

I'd just set out four trail cameras in a new area when I lucked into a small flush of Oyster Mushrooms on a decaying, but still standing, oak trunk. As I photographed their gills I was impressed by how fresh and debris-free they looked. (Click on any image to view it larger.)

But when I got the images home and viewed them on my monitor I cursed the stray strand of miscellaneous nature fragment that I hadn't noticed in the field.

I thought it was a superfine monofilament of lichen until I zoomed in and saw that it was a dewy strand of spider silk.

I also failed to notice the fungus crawlies. I'm going to guess this is a mite since it appears to have six legs and something like palps, but I poked around Google and Google Scholar a little bit without finding another picture like this guy. How does such a tiny creature ever find its way to the gills of a mushroom?!

Pleurotus ostreatus

One thing I learned as I was poking around for information on the crawlies is that oyster mushrooms don't just feed on wood. They also parasitize, i.e., eat, nematodes. To paraphrase The Big Lebowski: Sometimes the nematode eats the fungus. Sometimes the fungus eats the nematode. 

Although some fungi use constricting loops of hyphae to trap nematodes, and others use adhesive hyphae, the oyster mushroom poisons its prey. As we read here

"When grown in a nitrogen-poor environment like wood, P. ostreatus will produce a toxin on aerial hyphae. Instead of diffusing into the environment, the toxin remains as a droplet on the hyphae. In this manner, the toxin remains undetected by the unfortunate nematode until contact is made; the nematode is promptly paralyzed by the toxin. Hyphae will then colonize the nematode, and eventually digest it."

Interesting story about this in the New York Times (Jan. 2023)

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