Sunday, November 5, 2023

See Ya, Summery Fall

Lion's Mane Fungus
(Hericium erinaceus)

My wife and I took a little hike in the rain on Mt. Tam today, and I'm pretty sure the mystery fungus whose pix I've posted earlier is going to turn into one of these, a lion's mane fungus. Having just been there a few days ago, when everything was still dry, I had no expectation of seeing so much fungi on today's hike (it wasn't raining at all in San Francisco). All I had was my phone camera, and of course I had no wax paper bags for collecting. However, it was such a pleasure to see mushrooms again that I didn't want to disturb anything by picking them.

I suspect these and other wood-sprouters were honey mushrooms, and later we would find a few giant fruitings that left no room for doubt.

There were many colorful russula patches like these among fallen bay leaves.

The big-leaf maples along Cataract Creek were looking about as good as they get.

I wasn't picking anything, or even looking under caps, so I won't even guess what this guy is.

Another juicy lion's mane.

Probably more honey mushrooms.

This was part of one of two patches of coccoli (Amanita calyptroderma) we found this morning. It was interesting to see so much development in the caps with hardly any stalk. 

Honey Patch

Dyer's Polypore

Again, I didn't look at the gills, so I'm not sure, but I suspect this is just a crazy-big lepiota, and not the prince (Agaricus augustus).

A pool along Cataract Creek at Laurel Dell.

Fresh greens and fading yellows next to a mostly dry Cataract Creek.

One of many grisettes (probably Amanita pachycolea) that we found in several places.

Two Short Clips from the Rainy Forest

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