Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Waxies & Friends


Western Tanager at South Lake, Golden Gate Park

I pulled my bike off the road near South Lake to check out a boisterous bunch of cedar waxwings, hoping they would come down from the highest branches of the eucalyptus they seemed to be feeding in, when I spotted a western tanager on the sidelines. It's a rare pleasure for me to see such a beautiful songbird. 

As I watched the waxwings flutter high and low, always managing to keep a tangle of branches between us, the immediate area was bustling with hummingbirds, robins, sparrows, and even a pair of Pacific wrens. The waxies eventually massed together in their dozens and swirled off toward Middle Lake.

A huddle of waxies.

Cedar Waxwing

Three little babies wait for mom or dad to bring home the gopher bacon at Blue Heron Lake. Earlier on my bike ride I'd stopped where several people were staring at an adult GBH. Once I came to a stop I noticed it had blood on its beak and a lump in its throat. A pair of tourists confirmed that I'd just missed seeing it nab a gopher.

Family Time

I heard on KALW radio this morning that today, May 15, is Bring Flowers to Someone Day, so I took a couple of phone snaps while out for a walk.

There were lots of rhodies in bloom along the way.

Fog view on a windy and chilly morning at Golden Gate Heights Park.

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