Monday, January 13, 2025

Blowin' In The Wind


A red-tailed hawk leaps into the wind at Balboa Natural Area.

I'll bet I'm not the only one who was jolted awake in the wee hours last night by gusting winds. For me it happened around 3:30 a.m., with not just windows and doors rattling, but the whole building shaking. It reminded me of the earthquake we had the other day that rattled and shook the floor-to-ceiling bookcases next to my computer desk. (The quake was relatively small, a 3.5 or so, but struck less than ten miles from my home.)

Ordinarily I'd have simply enjoyed feeling nature's power, but the hideous fires in Los Angeles have made the "what ifs" a little too close, and too real, for comfort. 

Most of my yard looks dry and colorless this time of year, but I was pleased to see that the pipevine is in bloom.

A scrub jay boldly perches out in the open atop the raven tree seen in this post.

Note the heat-shimmer distorting the foreground buildings (the VA Medical Center being the big one) and the sun reflecting in the windows of Stinson Beach homes in the background.

Yesterday's Moonrise from Grandview Park


Windrows at Ocean Beach This Morning

Suspended Animation

Tubular Swells

Cliff House View Toward San Pedro Rock

Moment of Bliss

Riding back down the hill from the Cliff House I noticed this red-tailed hawk in the grass inside the Balboa Natural Area, so I turned around to check it out. I arrived just as it was tearing into the last of whatever meal it had recently caught.

Note the single banded leg, probably the same red-tail shown in the last post. I'm tempted to give this hawk the name of Marlon. As is Marlon Bando....

I put the camera in burst mode in anticipation of the hawk taking flight.

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