Sunday, January 26, 2025

In the Aloe


Townie in the Aloe

The sun is shining now, but it was cold and windy when I biked down to the SF Botanical Gardens early this morning. As I roamed around to enjoy the blooming magnolia trees and look for birds, a long and narrow bank of clouds remained cleverly placed to block the sun, hour after hour. There wasn't a whole lot of bird activity in there, but orange-crowned and Townsend's warblers foraging among some colorful aloe flowers up near the Children's Garden took my mind off the cold.

I made a quick pass of Blue Heron Lake and was surprised to see a pair of greater white-fronted geese in there. They were hanging out with a couple of much larger Canada geese, patrolling close to shore where someone had just been tossing bread to the birds. From there I rode past Lily Pond once again, and once again struck out on the green heron.

Pink Magnolia

Looking Up

Aloe Flowers

Hummer at Rest Among the Aloe Flowers

I was interested in the rapid breathing of this hummer while it rested on a branch, but the little bit of preening was a bonus.

Orange-crowned Warbler

The orange-crowned warbler soon flew out of range, but this Townsend's warbler stuck around for another minute or so.

These were shot with the FZ80D at ISO 3200 (1/1000th sec. @ f/5.6), then run through Denoise in Lightroom.

Golden-crowned Sparrow in the Willows

Golden-crowned Sparrow Munching Willow Flowers

Red-shouldered Hawk, Out On A Limb

White Magnolia Blossoms

Ring-necked Duck (Female)

Ring-necked Duck (Male)

White-fronted Goose, Blue Heron Lake

Canada and White-fronted Geese

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