Hermit Thrush Near Elk Glen Lake |
My wife told me that 2025 is the Year of the Hermit in Tarot. There were lots of hermit thrush calls accompanying me through Golden Gate Park yesterday, so it might be going to their head. Get a whole year named after you, it can happen.
New Year's Day Sunrise |
There's a point on my walk where, if it's clear enough, the Farallon Islands can be seen between two houses. |
I finally remembered to bring a wax paper bag to collect one of the Amanita muscaria mushrooms from that yard on Noriega Street. It was still in perfect shape by the time I got it home, so I just planted it out back near our huckleberry bush. |
Western Bluebird on Sunset Parkway |
I believe this one is a female. She didn't get to forage in peace for very long before the male swooped down and gave chase. |
It was fun to see some wood-rotting mushrooms that aren't honey mushrooms. I don't know if honey mushrooms are ubiquitous in the park every year, but they are just about everywhere this year. |
Here's another one growing out of wood. |
I felt too lazy to collect the mushrooms to try to ID them, and I only had one spare wax paper bag anyway. |
These are probably a Stropharia sp., or maybe Leratiomyces percevalii. |
This pair of red-shouldered hawks was hanging out above a fairly birdy area next to Mallard Lake. |
Hermit Thrush Being A Diva |
Brown Creeper Near Elk Glen Lake |
The creeper was definitely messing with me, sometimes coming so close that I couldn't get my lens dialed in before it got away, and other times creeping behind tangles of branches. |
I was just giving up on the creepers and was about to head home when this great egret swooped in. |
Finding little of interest in the lake, it flew onto a small trail next to the lake, where I could see a family with a dog heading its way, and then a bicycle rider. The rider finally decided to go for it, and the egret hardly seemed to care. |
The egret played it cool until this little girl tried to get a little too close for comfort. |
It flew away but didn't go far, landing in the grass nearby. I watched it apparently hunting for a little while, wondering if great egrets hunt gophers the way great blue herons do, but I was in shorts and needed to get moving to warm up before it made any strikes. |
The water was relatively glassy yesterday, with a nice little swell. |
Ocean Beach was surprisingly busy on New Year's Day. It almost looked like a Memorial Day crowd out there. Even the Giant Camera was open. |
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