Friday, September 11, 2020

Beach Weather


The verdict is in, and it looks like the ocean goddess is going to show her cooler side this year. Strong equatorial winds are pushing sun-kissed surface waters west, bringing cold water up from the deeps and sending it farther north than usual. One result of the colder ocean waters will be less rain for California. 

Even though I appreciate being able to hike in shorts on a sunny December day, I'd rather be bundled up in rain gear, looking for mushrooms.

These scenes of North Beach are the last of my Ode to September in Point Reyes images.

One morning I was looking out over these dunes and saw a pair of ravens playing a game with a coyote. The ravens would swoop down, and the coyote would leap in the air as if to catch them. At first I didn't believe my eyes, but binoculars confirmed the magical sight. 

I got out of the car as quietly as I could and opened the back door to get my camera out, but the ravens busted me and the spell was over. The ravens fluttered away toward the east, and the coyote disappeared behind the dunes.

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