Saturday, September 23, 2023

Yard Flowers


Lone Violet

We'd planned to go for a hike on Mt. Tam for the first day of autumn (Friday), but the smoke was kind of a drag, and it was forecast to be clear again by tomorrow (Sunday) so instead we drove over to Sloat Garden Center and bought a bunch of plants and a couple big bags of soil. We'd been meaning to get around to doing some work in our back yard for weeks, but thanks to the smoke, we finally got it done. We went mostly for perennials that will draw bees and hummingbirds, and hopefully they will be able to survive our yard, which gets direct sun for only a couple of hours a day (assuming it's even sunny at all).

It didn't take long to do all that so, still needing some indoor sport, I set up a few more macro compositions using violets, Clivia, Dudleya, and red trumpet vine, with leaves of hazel and redwood sorrel providing some greenery.

Red Trumpet Vine, Deconstructed




The Set-up.

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