Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Black-Throated Gray Warbler


Black-throated Gray Warbler, Forest Hill

When I first saw it foraging among the leaves of a street tree I was excited because I thought it might be a mountain chickadee. When I got a better look and saw that it was a GBGB bird, I prayed ISO 800 would be enough to get a sharp image of it. Out of the eight frames I was able to get before it flew into someone's back yard, only the one above was decent. However, I'm not above posting "indecent" shots too, so there's one more shot below.

The fog finally rolled back in last night. I could hear the trees dripping outside. Note the wet feathers on the bird above, after foraging among wet leaves.

Ripening Figs

Haunted Fire Alarm

Haunted Forest

I'd tried and failed to get a shot of a hermit thrush during my walk through Golden Gate Heights Park, but I saw one bathing in our back yard when I got home. A smaller junco was perched nearby, waiting for the hermit to finish.

The World's Most Laid-back Bison

Bathing Finches

The Giant Camera was open during those sunny days, but I don't think it got much action even with the warm weather. Makes me wonder how long it will remain in this spot.

Pelicans outnumbered surfers about a thousand-to-one today....

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