Friday, July 12, 2024

Hint of Blue


Young Bluebird, Golden Gate Park

A passel of passerines, with a hint of blue, brought me to a stop near the Polo Fields today. The little young bluebirds kept an instinctual eye toward the sky, and it wasn't me they were afraid of when they scattered into some nearby brush, but a hawk gliding overhead.

There had also been a hint of blue in the sky above Seal Rocks, but the fog billowing in from the south kept pushing the blue away. The young sea lion had moved on. More than the usual number of recreational fishing boats, as well as charters, bobbed offshore. Is it because it's Friday in the summertime, or are the fish actually biting? 

At Metson Lake, an extremely well-camouflaged black-crowned night heron was hunting from among the fallen tree branches. Only its yellow legs tipped me off to its presence, and when it saw me getting into position for a photo (drat that new high-visibility bike jacket), it scuttled into deeper cover.

The Enforcers (Rookie Birds in Blue)

Bluebird on a Lamp Post

Bluebirds on Overwatch

Curbed Bluebird

Seal Rocks and Fishing Boats

Black Oystercatcher on the Wing

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