Monday, July 22, 2024

Middle Lake

Newly Opened Middle Lake, Golden Gate Park

The Parks Department did a great job of fixing up Middle Lake over the last couple of years, and they have finally removed the fencing and opened it up to the public. It was fun to walk around the lake and remember how it used to be. I kind of enjoyed the unkempt wildness of it in the old days (including a mess of feral cats that hid in the bushes), but now it looks more like the city actually gives a damn about it. 

Flowing Creek at Middle Lake

It looks like they even put some native plants along the creek, which drains from the fly-fishing pools above.

It'll be interesting to see how the plantings fill in. 

First Impressions

The brown pelicans have disappeared again, leaving the rocks to the cormorants. Meanwhile, the Hong Kong-flagged bulk carrier, Iwagi Island, is coming out of the fog and heading for the sun in Stockton, where it's about 30 degrees warmer.

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