Sunday, June 30, 2024

On The Wing


Blue-Eyed Darner On The Wing, Metson Lake

Strybing Arboretum is completely closed today in the wake of the coyote incident. When I learned that it happend around 11:15 a.m. (on Friday) it struck me that, with dozens of small children probably packing lunches in an active coyote area, it's unfortunately no surprise that things went sideways. 

Campers at Strybing Arboretum just after noon on Friday.

I was just winging it this morning, heading out on the bike to enjoy the strikingly beautiful day. When I got to the beach I decided to photograph the recently rebuilt dune system at Ocean Beach so I can see the changes that next winter will bring. The dunes that aren't covered with plants tend to move with the winds.

Lizard Tail at Land's End

One day closer to the eventual reopening of the old Cliff House....

The California towhee has excellent camouflage. I like the way those rufous butt feathers match the coloration around the bird's head. These shots almost look like different individuals, but they are the same. It's fluffing its feathers in the second two shots.

I was at North Lake in Golden Gate Park and hearing several jays scolding something in the strip of woods between the lake and the (recently reopened) golf course. A robin in the same area was vibrating its wings, also as a kind of distress or warning gesture, but making no noise. Within seconds of my stopping in the hope of catching sight of the predator, the commotion died down and stopped altogether. Whatever had gotten the birds worked up probably left the area when I stopped.

A couple of black-crowned night herons were back at Metson Lake this morning. I believe one was a female, as its plumage was plain brown, much better for camouflage. The camo was so good, in fact, that I realized there could have been herons hiding in the branches of the downed tree that I wouldn't be able to see on a casual ride-by.

It's a little frustrating to use the tracking feature on the FZ80 to capture dragonflies in flight, but every now and then it would lock onto the insect instead of the background.

Sign of the Times

A couple of young ravens were being chummy on a tree stump at Blue Heron Lake, but they broke it up before I could get my camera out.

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