Thursday, June 6, 2024

Slow Days


Ambling along with a bobcat one day....

I'd been looking forward to getting a new pair of walking shoes at the start of June, figuring the pair I bought when I retired two years ago should themselves be retired. I wore the old pair for one last walk down the hill to the shoe store where I paid about $160 for a fancy new pair. 

This was a fair amount more than I'd expected to spend, but the shoes looked good and felt good, at least for most of the first day I walked in them. By the end of the second day, the mild irritation I'd been feeling in the left shoe had created a blister, and the blister has kept my feet out of shoes for two days. 

Lucikly I can still get around in my ancient Teva sandals, but I've missed my daily routine. I might have risked longer walks if I wasn't saving my feet for a trip out to the Eastern Sierra for a few days of nature-watching and also, for my wife, decompression from another year of teaching.

Taking it easy for the day, I watched another excellent photography documentary on Kanopy called Garry Winogrand, All Things Are Photographable. And as I was later reminiscing over some old cat photos I thought I'd post a few from an encounter I had back in 2011.

Look at those big rear feet!

A lazy morning...

...a good time to catch a few winks...

...maybe do a little prowling...

...or just find another sunny spot... get cleaned up...

...and catch a few more winks...

...before saying adios.

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