Thursday, June 20, 2024

Random Day


Golden Gate Park Bison

I could smell the petrichor as soon as I started coasting down the hill toward Golden Gate Park. It wasn't raining. It was just the fog, light enough that the streets were dry, yet heavy enough to go pitter-patter on my nylon windbreaker. After our recently beautiful sunny days, I was taken aback by the sudden dense fog and chilly temps. It was as cold on my morning walk here in mid-June as I experienced during the winter. The bison are still shedding their winter coats, a dead giveaway that they were never native to San Francisco....

This lone foxglove managed to sprout from a crevice in the cement gutter next to the Hidden Garden steps off Kirkham Street at 16th Avenue.

These look like small-leaved stinging nettles in Golden Gate Heights Park, but I was too chicken to zap myself on a stem to find out. A recent newspaper story about a woman who called for rescue in a remote area of the Sierra Nevada was thought to have waded into a bunch of stinging nettle while getting water from a creek. She reported that she couldn't walk or even feel her legs. 

I figure no one was playing tennis (or playing with their dog, as some do despite the signs) when this pine toppled onto the courts at GGH Park. It must have made quite a racket when it fell.

This is at Noriega Street, looking south, with the Great Highway receding into the distance on the left. They excavated sand from in front of the sea wall and piled it into a dune closer to the ocean. This was just two days' work, and I'll be interested to see how they leave it in the end. 

Someone forgot to program the Juneteenth Great Highway street closure into the Waymo computer. Although the vehicle stopped in a crosswalk, it didn't ram the gate, and it soon backed up and continued on its merry way. In a woman's voice, the car instructed people to get out of the way as it backed up, but the voice was nearly drowned out by nearby traffic noise. I'm surprised the Waymo cars don't use a beeping sound when they're backing up.

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