Saturday, September 14, 2024

Sock It To Me


Built to Travel

I was surprised recently as I was putting away a sock that had been through the washer and dryer, and found that it still had a grass seed stuck in its threads. Even more surprising was how big the seed was, and that I'd somehow never felt it while wearing the sock. Also, it was an interesting-looking seed, a crescent-shaped, spiky thing that looked like an alien from some strange planet.

Life. Sock it to me, baby.

I have no interest in some hermetically sealed, Muksian bubble in a sterile Martian colony surrounded by lifeless red dust. I'll take my chances on Earth any day. The fact that influential people have already given up hope for human life on this beautiful planet and imagine that, having failed to take care of such a fecund beauty as we have here, they will somehow be able to sustain their lives on an inhospitable, life-denying planet like Mars, is terribly sad.

Joy is in seeds. Tough and resourceful as life itself. 

I gathered a few specimens of seed-bearing fruits on Thursday's trip to Mt. Tam so I could photograph them at home. Click any image to view it larger.

Dogtail Grass

I'm not sure what this is. Maybe a clover.


Maybe yellow mariposa lily.

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