Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Western Flycatcher


Western Flycatcher, Golden Gate Heights Park

I'd reached the peak elevation for the day's walk and was heading down toward home when a bird shot out of the bushes to nab a passing insect. It missed its target, then ducked deep into the bushes when it spotted me walking toward it. I got out my camera, figuring the bird had been a flycatcher and would eventually return to the edge of the brush to hunt. It didn't take long!

After getting home and switching to my bike I was coasting down the cracked and broken paved path that winds along the northern side of the the Bison Paddock, when I thought I heard a coyote barking over by the dog park. The dogs' owners didn't appear alarmed or anything, so I rolled up to one of the park's entrances to get a better look. Two dogs immediately charged toward me, barking wildly. One of the dogs started to climb the fence and was only just stopped by its human. Given the fact that dogs are much more dangerous to people than coyotes are, I really don't get the antipathy toward coyotes. 

Pygmy Nuthatches in Cypress
(Note the opened cones showing their seeds.)

Nuthatch with Resinous Cone

Chestnut-backed Chickadee

Captured Caterpillar

Townie Preflight Pose

Juvenile Downy Woodpecker

There were lots of pelicans flying by today. Most were going high, but some were going low -- very low.

I liked how this group flew into line with the Point Bonita Lighthouse, and also that the light was partially turned toward the camera.

Getting My Pelicans In A Row

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