Monday, September 9, 2024

Yeller Fellers


I believe this is a yellow warbler in a redflower gum tree...

Although I brought along the FZ80 on today's walk in the hope of finding some shorebird action at the beach, I didn't find any reason take the camera out of my knapsack until I had almost circled back to home. A flash of yellow drew my attention into the dense branches of a sidewalk tree, and then I watched it flutter across the street and into a redflower gum tree that's growing tall in a nicely tended median strip, where there's a small homemade sign proclaiming it as Nori Park.

After I took the shot above, I watched it duck away, then come out again up where the flowers were. But it wasn't until I got home and saw the pictures on my computer screen that I realized there were two yeller fellers of different species.

...and I believe this a female western tanager.

I don't see turkey vultures every day in San Francisco, and it was interesting to watch this one soar out toward the northern Seal Rock to be among the pelicans and cormorants. It had its legs down as if it was prepared to land...

...but a couple of Heermann's gulls weren't having it, and they chased it away.

Turkey vultures get no respect, but nobody tries to chase off the pelicans.

Kingsley was in his usual spot, so I staked him out from a lakeside bench this time. This shot is a rough composite that includes a couple of his dives for fish.

Caught one!

A neighborhood princess flower tree very near Nori Park was exfoliating nicely  today (next to a beach strawberry).

My wife saw this alligator lizard dart into the middle of the trail, and she stopped me from nearly stepping on it. Those are eucalyptus leaves on the sandy ground, because this is not Mt. Tamalpais, but Grandview Park, right here in the city!

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