Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Speed Eating


Townie Nabs A Snack

Whoa, another sunny day. It's nice when you don't need ISO 3200 to photograph a colorful little Townsend's Warbler that just nabbed a skipper, especially when the skipper appeared to be putting up a valiant but vain struggle to escape. 

I was keeping an eye on one Townie while getting my camera out of my bike bag, when a second one zipped over my head and appeared to chase something, then quickly catch it. 

I could see that it had something in its beak. The bird was close and in the open on a nice diagonal branch, but my shot was wild and not in focus. I felt like I could have hummed the entire Star Spangled Banner while the missed shot wrote itself onto the storage card and ended the viewfinder blackout. But by then, of course, the Townie was up in a tree.

Luckily it was still in range. I fired off a few frames while it stabbed its beak into its prey. In one frame, it's just got wings. In another, a leg. Finally, it got the good parts.

Pygmy Peek-A-Boo
(The Sunset greenbelt had very little bird activity this morning. A couple of pygmy nuthatches were busy working a pine tree while almost never actually showing themselves.)

First Miner's Lettuce Flower, Hidden Garden Steps
(The amazing foxglove was actually sprouting yet another flower.)

First, Get the Wings Off

Birdy Num-Nums
(Be sure to watch the whole clip if you watch it at all!)

The sun was still beating back the fog at around noon, and there was quite a raucous bunch of pelicans, cormorants, and gulls chattering on and around Seal Rocks. (No sign of the wandering tattlers in a while.) But that gray in the background is a wall of fog, and it was inexorably drifting toward shore.

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