Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Bird Life


Western Bluebird on Oak Branch, Sunset Boulevard

We woke up to a rare bluebird day in the offing this morning, so I brought the FZ80 along on today's walk, part of which follows the greenway along Sunset Boulevard. I'd encountered a lot of birds there last week but only had my phone cam, so I was glad there was still a good amount of activity today.

At the optometrist yesterday I had the option of getting my eyes dilated or having a retinal image made. Dilation was covered by insurance, but I chose to fork out $40 for the retinal image, and it was worth it. I could have stared at those pictures a lot longer. Looking at the blood vessels and whatnot suspended in the vitreous humor was like staring at a galaxy far, far away, except that it was a micro-cosmos built by the awe-inspiring biological genius of life itself.

Bark 'n Bluebird

Blue Sky Bluebird

Finch Nibbling Thistle Seeds

Finch and Sow Thistle

The Thistle King

The Scarlet King

Pygmy Nuthatches Working the Crevices

Finch Beak

Solitary Nuthatch

I'm guessing this is also a finch, not a sparrow. I love that it looks so plain at first glance but is actually intricately patterned and has a nice golden hue in its feathers.

The Norwegian-flagged Island Pride, an offshore support vessel, was heading out to sea this morning. That's a helipad on the bow.

There were only a couple of surf scoters between the Cliff House and Seal Rocks this morning, and no wandering tattlers, black turnstones, or oystercatchers. Plenty of pelicans catching updrafts from the surf, though. I brought binoculars to look for the storied brown boobie out on Seal Rocks but did not spot it.

Cruising Altitude

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