Allen's Hummingbird Bathing at El Polin Spring |
As I mentioned yesterday, I'm posting a few bird shots taken at El Polin Spring in mid-June 2008. Back then, a western flycatcher was still called a pacific slope flycatcher (the two species were lumped together only last year). Also back then, I was shooting with a Nikon D200, but using the same 300/4 lens and 1.7X teleconverter that I still use with the D800E. You'd be hard-pressed to get a clear shot of a bird in the spring at this time due to plant growth in front of the spring's outlet.
I didn't photograph any birds today, but I did watch a red-shouldered hawk that was perched above a foraging fox squirrel, wondering if the hawk would make a move. But it eventually flew to another nearby tree. Closer to home I watched a flock of wild parrots chase off a turkey vulture as if it were a hawk.
Resting in the Flow |
Adult Goldfinch Feeding its Chick |
Pooped Pygmy |
Wilson's Warbler |
Western Flycatcher |
Pine Siskin |
Pygmy Nuthatch |
Lovey Dovies |
Sparrow Feeding its Cowbird Chick |
Western Flycatcher |
Western Wood-Pewee |
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