Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Coyote Schedule


Smile E. Coyote, Golden Gate Park

I was riding the same route as yesterday, taking the bike detour around the Outside Lands concert deconstruction, when today I encountered the coyote again in exactly the same place. Once again I was able to tag along a little bit. The whole area between MLK Drive and Middle Drive must be pretty good coyote habitat.

Coyote Eating A Gopher

This was an impressively long jump, but whatever he was after got away.

I had to wonder in this moment whether the coyote recognized me from yesterday....

Good-looking animal. I just read this morning that 760 dog bites were reported in the city last year, which I guess shows how many dog-bites it takes to make the news, while even one coyote-bite gets saturation coverage. 

Until this morning I hadn't seen a great blue heron in the park in quite a while. This one was hunting in South Lake.

You don't see cormorants gliding very often.

A beautiful day at Seal Rocks...

...and Ocean Beach.

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