Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Mission Drift


Pelicans Drifting Past Cliff House

Back in 2014 I deleted all my posts going back to 2007 with the intention of turning the blog into a "Year of Mt. Tam" project. But after the year was over, I kept on going, although I started and mainly worked on a Pt. Reyes blog during the next year. After that year was over I deleted the Pt. Reyes blog. Then there was a year where I didn't post anything at all, followed by another re-start with no particular project in mind.

Frankly, I'm surprised I'm still going. I thought my relatively recent drift into using the FZ80 point-and-shoot signaled the start of a downhill slide to oblivion, but then I slid even lower by including phone pix! And yet, I'm still having fun.

Nevertheless, without any particular project to work on (other than the No Project Project), I honestly don't know from one day to the next if that day's post will be my last. 

The sky was clear when I went to bed last night...

...but sometime in the wee hours the fog rolled in, and an especially wet fog at that.

I watched this bird bob its tail and a little question mark popped into my head. Maybe this isn't a surfbird. I googled it and, sure enough, surfbirds don't bob their tails, but wandering tattlers do. Also, the slender beak on this guy is another giveaway.

More and more surf scoters have been showing up below the Cliff House. Watching them dive under the waves in pursuit of their prey, I'm sometimes amazed that they don't get wiped out, especially when they'e in the impact zone right at the edge of the beach. As I was watching today I was surprised to see a Heermann's gull dive-bomb a scoter twice. Both times the scoter ducked under the water to escape. [UPDATE: There have been reports of Parasitic Jaegers in that area, and I wouldn't be surprised if I mistook a jaeger for a gull.]

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