Thursday, August 22, 2024

Killdeer Was Here


Killdeer, Richardson Bay

There were a couple of great blue herons and a great egret working the Richardson Bay mud flats during low tide on my way up to Mt. Tamalpais. Otherwise, not too much action out there.

It's been a while since I've made the trip via e-bike, and I was disappointed that there weren't any black-necked stilts in their usual area around Coyote Creek. On the way home, the bay had filled in with the high tide, but there was still surprisingly little bird life. When I heard a killdeer call, I pulled over to say hello.

I hadn't planned to ride up there and check the trail cams until next month, but with a slight chance of rain showers in the forecast I was concerned about one of the cams that I'd placed in the dry creek bed. Most likely it would have been fine, but if the rain turned out to be heavy enough to get the creek flowing, the camera could end up ruined or washed away.

P.S. Watch Flyways on Kanopy!

It was windy, foggy, and cool up around Rock Spring, giving the mountain a change-of-season feel.

Last time I was up there I thought the rosinweed was just about done for the season, but today it was still going great.

Even the usually chatty acorn woodpeckers were mostly quiet today, as fog billowed over the treetops and a strong wind rattled the dry grass and swept through the forest.

The killdeer allowed me to stop quite close to them.

They kept an eye on me, but what they really wanted to do...

...was return to siesta time.

They both lay down and stayed that way, even as I put the camera away in the bike bag and continued on my way.

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