Tuesday, August 27, 2024



Raven at the Cliff House

Dozens of Heermann's gulls suddenly lifted off from their resting area on the beach in front of Sutro Baths. Some circled around the big rock as if to land back where they started, while others who knew better headed south along Ocean Beach. It was beautiful to watch, and I had a group of middle-school kids to thank for the displacement of so many birds at once.

I walked my bike a short ways to get a different view, noting a puddle of numerous peanut shells scattered at the base of the seaward wall. The shells weren't there yesterday. (Waldo's Lime scooter has finally been removed, btw.) 

The fog was too heavy to clearly make out more than shadows of bird life, even on the closest of the Seal Rocks. But there were lots of pelicans and cormorants again, and many whistling calls of black oystercatchers. Two of the oystercatchers landed on the beach near the small tidal bathing pool, and I raced to get my camera out of the bike bag, only to have two of the school kids come along and climb up on the bathing rock themselves.

I was just going to leave when a raven landed near me on the seaward wall. I still had my camera out, so I snapped a photo. The raven soon flew away, and I got on my bike to fly away as well. I figure the raven briefly mistook me for the peanut man.

Raven Realizes His Mistake

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