Wednesday, August 28, 2024



Crowd on Sutro Rock

Instead of getting sunnier and warmer by late morning, it got foggier and colder. I wondered if the change in coastal weather had anything to do with the significant uptick in bird life on Seal Rocks since yesterday. The "wing fling" was so dense that even pelicans were resting on Sutro Rock (the big rock closest to the baths), something I'm not sure I've ever seen before. I'd have stayed longer to watch, but I was quickly becoming chilled and had to get back on the road to warm up.

There were more birds on Sutro Rock than I think I've ever seen.

All of the Seal Rocks were heavily occupied, at least by birds. I didn't see a single sea lion out on the distant, northernmost rocks.

Even flocks of ducks (I think these are mallards) were heading south.

Two-way traffic around Seal Rocks.

Seeing so many birds resting out there, I wondered when and where they go at feeding time. One of these days I hope to see them all diving and plunging after a big school of fish.

Pelicans skimmed the surface as they flew south into a stiff wind.

I had to stop to photograph the bison when I saw them heading through a photogenic area full of plants.

Blackberry Flowers in the Fog

Forest at Golden Gate Heights Park

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