Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Now & Then


The difference ninety minutes can make....

I was feeling a little groggy this morning as I stepped out the door for my morning walk, and I couldn't figure out why. So I blamed the fog. I mean, they don't call this month Fogust for nothing. I texted the first photo to my wife as I headed out (she's visiting her parents out of state), saying I wouldn't mind having a sunny day for a change.

This particular walk heads toward the beach before circling back, and the circuit takes about an hour-and-a-half. So I was heading out into heavy fog and chilly headwinds, but I was stoked to see clearing skies on my return trip.

This is Middle Lake's "then and now." The top photo is from October 2023, and the bottom shot is from today. (Although it's still sunny at home, it's still foggy near the beach, even now at nearly 2 p.m.) 

I was interested to see that all the sea lions on the northernmost Seal Rocks appeared to have recently come out of the water. When their fur dries it tends to become more golden. 

While their pals were napping on the rocks, these two porpoising sea lions seemed to be rushing toward an appointment. They were heading toward the southernmost Seal Rocks when my attention was diverted by pelicans and cormorants flying on a collision course, and I lost track of the sea lions.

Heavy Traffic Near Seal Rocks
(There were several surfbirds probing the sandy beach in front of Cliff House again today, but I accidentally scared them off in the same way I scared off the black turnstone the other day -- by popping up in my fluorescent-yellow cycling windbreaker.) 

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