Thursday, August 29, 2024

Feathered Finds


Black-headed Grosbeak, El Polin Spring

I had high hopes for today's foray to find a few feathered friends migrating through some well-known birding locations around the Presidio and Fort Mason. I started at El Polin Spring, which had changed a lot since I was last there. I thought my last visit might have been around ten years ago, but I was mistaken. It was more like fifteen years ago! Time flies like a bird. I might post some of those shots from June 2008 and September 2009 another time (oops, already did). 

This morning I saw the migrating black-headed grosbeak shown above shortly after I arrived (two of them were foraging together), but nothing else of special interest either there or at the Simonds Loop, Fort Mason, or Crissy Lagoon.

While I was out I had the pleasure of meeting a birder whose name I recognized from the SFBirds email list, David Assman. He was also shooting with an FZ80, and I'm pretty sure it was seeing photos he's made with that camera online that inspired me to try one out.

Grosbeak in a Willow, El Polin Spring

I believe this coloration marks it as a female or immature male.

Scrub Jay, El Polin Spring

Hummingbird with its tongue sticking out, El Polin Spring

Lesser Goldfinch, El Polin Spring

Lesser Goldfinch Feeding on Yellow Evening Primrose, Simonds Loop

I couldn't resist stopping for the perched red-tail on my way to Fort Mason.

A cabbage white butterfly... on cabbage! Or close enough. Cabbage family. At Fort Mason Community Garden.

Long-billed Curlew, Crissy Lagoon

Caring for its Feathers

Striking a Pose
(hey, if you've got it, flaunt it)

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